21CD twenty-first century development

The Energy Category inspires a new age of design, where the built environment thrives on renewable energy and operates year-round in a safe, pollution-free manner. It aims to prioritize reductions and optimization over technological solutions in order to eliminate wasteful spending.


This category envisions a safe, reliable and decentralized power grid. Incredibly efficient buildings and infrastructure will be powered entirely by renewable energy and without the negative externalities associated with combustion or fission.

Energy Assessment Factors:


Developers working to improve their Assessment in Energy will focus on local generation of resilient, renewable energy.


Standard Good Better Living Community Principles Regenerative
Energy from grid. No renewable energy requirements greater than code. 2030 standards goal of efficiency, with some reduction goals for energy and carbon, some renewable energy. Solar PV ready. 2030 standards of efficiency met, with ongoing monitoring to maintain goals. More than 50% renewable energy used. Net-Positive Energy 105% community energy needs met by community-generated renewable energy. No combustion-based energy. Storage for resiliency.2 All community operational energy generated from multiple diverse renewable and nonpolluting sources. Additional energy is stored on site with non-polluting technologies.

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