SOMO Village
Rohnert Park, California, United States
SOMO Village is a mixed-use community that integrates sustainability in to the planning and lifestyle of the development. They received the GEELA Leadership award and were endorsed by One Planet Communities. The development is LEED ND Platinum, and offers community education and involvment. The "Five Minute Lifestyle" makes services readily accessible.
200 acres, 1,900 homes, 5,000 residents
Codding Enterprises
Performance levels achieved:
Place | |
Limits to Growth | |
Food | |
Habitat | |
Transportation | |
Water | |
Energy | |
Health + Happiness | |
Civilized Environment | |
Neighborhood Design | |
Biophilia | |
Resilient Connections | |
Materials | |
Material Plan | |
Embodied Energy & Carbon | |
Waste | |
Equity | |
Neighborhood & Access | |
Access to Nature | |
Access to Community Services | |
Investment | |
Beauty | |
Inspiration |
Goals & Strategies:
Goals: Source 65% of all food within 300 miles, and 25% within 50 miles., by 2020.
Strategies: Community gardens, fruit trees, farmers market, grocery store, microgram in community. Daily farmer's markets.
Goals: 20% greenspace, 10% habitat.
Strategies: 27 acres of parks. Prohibited use of pesticides and herbicides. Edible landscaping.
Goals: Reduce transportation emissions by 82%.
Strategies: Walkable neighborhoods. Bike paths, electric vehicles charged with solar power. Services in walkable areas. Biofuel filling station. Carpooling and car sharing programs. Alternative fuel shuttle to Sonoma State University.
Goals: Reduction of consumption by 60% from norm.
Strategies: Efficient appliances. Education. Rainwater harvesting and reuse of water. Reclaimed water used for irrigation. Stormwater used for habitat.
Goals: Carbon-neutral by 2020. 100% renewable energy for electricity by 2020 (currently 50%). Energy demand 27.3-50 kBtu/square foot.
Strategies: 1.14 MW solar array. Data center. Ground-sourced heat pumps. Biomass, biogas.
Health + Happiness
Embodied Energy & Carbon
Goals: Construction uses 20% materials from the site and 60% materials from within 500 miles.
Strategies: Low-impact materials selected. Cradle-to-cradle accounting used to calculate embodied carbon of all materials. Resource efficiency.
Goals: Zero waste.
Strategies: Composting. Generating energy through waste. Construction waste reduction: 90% from demolition, 70% construction waste, and 25% from new construction.
Neighborhood & Access
Goals: Not defined.
Strategies: 25% affordable housing units will be made available for rent and purchase. Public art, murals, festivals. Business incubator to promote live-work and community involvement. Community gardens, walking and bike trails, dog parks, sports field. Walkable and accessible street. Sustainability education.

Sonoma Mountain Village
inhabitat: Sonoma Mountain Village
Farmster Takes Root in Sonoma Mountain Village
*Note: This case study was developed using found information.