Clonburris, Dublin, Ireland
South Dublin, Leinster, Ireland
Clonburris is a mixed-use suburban community located in Dublin. The development will contain eight unique neighborhoods with parks, schools, and other services.
250 acres; 500,000 residents; 25,000 apartments
2009 - 2021
Project Manager Bo Aronsson
Connect the city communities, create a vibrant city center, and promote an easy way to live sustainably.
Performance levels achieved:
Place | |
Limits to Growth | |
Food | |
Habitat | |
Transportation | |
Water | |
Energy | |
Health + Happiness | |
Civilized Environment | |
Neighborhood Design | |
Biophilia | |
Resilient Connections | |
Materials | |
Material Plan | |
Embodied Energy & Carbon | |
Waste | |
Equity | |
Neighborhood & Access | |
Access to Nature | |
Access to Community Services | |
Investment | |
Beauty | |
Inspiration |
Goals & Strategies:
Goals: Not defined.
Strategies: Community garden plots.
Goals: Not defined.
Strategies: Diverse park system that includes different ecosystems, bioswales.
Goals: Reduce dependence on cars, complete 83% of commuting trips without cars.
Strategies: Two new train stations to service Clonburris. Walkability. Residents live near amenities. Bike infrastructure and car sharing.
Goals: Not defined.
Strategies: Stormwater managed through bioswales, ponds, and permeable pavers. Greywater collection for non-potable uses. Commercial areas will use oil interceptors, screening, filtration, and water storage for reuse of grey water.
Goals: Mandatory renewable energy: 30% on-site renewable, 30% off-site renewable.
Strategies: On- and off-site renewable energy. District heating. 80% of residential floor space equipped with space heating and hot water from district heating. 5% of units meet passive house standard. Ban on clothing dryers. A committee will monitor compliance with GHG indicators and continuously improve the community energy efficiency standards.
Health + Happiness
Embodied Energy & Carbon
Goals: 80% of materials meet an A rating from BRE's Green Guide. 80% of on-site timber reclaimed or reused.
Strategies: Specified recycled materials for construction. Use of LCAs and environmental indicators to select materials based on reducing impacts.
Goals: 10% of construction material should be recycled or reused.
Strategies: Recycling of greywater.
Neighborhood & Access
Goals: 15% affordable units. Designated Sustainable Development Zone to develop Regional Planning Guidelines.
Strategies: Minimum daylighting requirements. Community amenities: central plaza, library, community spaces, cafe, shopping, parks, gyms, walkable from public transportation. 5 schools with walkable commutes.

Zoning the Garden State
Clonburris Presentation
Sustainable City
*Note: This case study was developed using found information.